Moise's Minds
(Back to School Rally)
The purpose of the Mosie’s Minds Program is to equip underprivileged, students from lower income households with the necessary academic supplies to promote higher learning throughout the year. This project is based on the simple idea, “Every community should have the resources necessary to help the less fortunate children.”
It is the goal of the Moise's Minds Program to:
- Promote higher learning through education. We do this by distributing needed scholastic supplies to underprivileged children, and by providing information, referrals, and products to their families.
- Educate the public in mental, physical, and dental healthcare awareness. We use the same methods to distribute various informational materials.
- Educate children and their families in social awareness through presentations from local agencies, institutes, businesses, and individuals, and
- Establish a college scholarship fund help students achieve their educational aim. Our aim is to award high school seniors who are academically motivated, to succeed in their pursuit a college degree.
Through educational empowerment and asset building, our program’s framework include some of the basic assets developed by the Search Institute. According to the Search Institute, “There are many factors that influence why some children” succeed in life and “Why others have a harder time.” Among those factors are economic circumstances, and their environment. However, we also believe that children’s lives are tremendously influenced by support from organizations, institutions, and the people of their communities that provide positive and supportive resources.
During its first year initiative in August 2006, a one-day family social awareness event was held to integrate a network of services that would impact the targeted audience. Representatives from several local agencies came out and spoke to the children and their families about mental health awareness, and the value of pursuing higher levels of education. Handout materials and various products were given out. The children enjoyed fun-filled games, activities, food and beverages. At the end of the day, more than 250 back-packs full of school supplies and other items were distributed to those students in attendance.
In 2012, Moise's Minds distributed over 1,000 backpacks full of school suppies and other items to students.